The following "yes or no" statements will help you determine if you have a hearing loss and need to have your hearing evaluated:

  1. I have a problem hearing over the telephone
  2. I have trouble following the conversation when two or more people are talking at the same time
  3. I have trouble understanding things on TV
  4. I have to strain to understand conversations
  5. I have to worry about missing a telephone ring or doorbell
  6. I have trouble hearing conversations in a noisy background such as a crowded room or restaurant
  7. I get confused about where sounds come from
  8. I misunderstand some words in a sentence and need to ask people to repeat themselves
  9. I especially have trouble understanding the speech of women and children
  10. I have trouble understanding the speaker in a large room such as at a meeting or place of worship
  11. Many people I talk to seem to mumble (or do not speak clearly)
  12. People get annoyed because I misunderstand what they say
  13. I misunderstand what others are saying and make inappropriate responses
  14. I avoid social activities because I cannot hear well and fear I will reply improperly
  15. Family members and friends have told me they think I may have a hearing loss


If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you should have your hearing tested. Call 262-780-4444 today to schedule an appointment for a no obligation hearing aid evaluation! (Please remember to mention you visited this website when calling to schedule your appointment.)

(Courtesy: Better Hearing Institute)