The AURICAL Visible Speech's® built-in sound library provides an opportunity to demonstrate from a wide range of music and sounds, as well as from speech in both quiet and noisy environments. It also allows simulating the benefits of the hearing instruments as well as the effect of further change in hearing thresholds.
Do you wonder how much speech you hear with your hearing instrument?
AURICAL Visible Speech® on ClientAURICAL Visible Speech® sets new standards for objective fitting, counseling and verification. We use the AURICAL Visible Speech® to measure how much speech you are hearing through your hearing instruments. We place a tiny microphone into your ear canal to record live speech coming through your hearing device. It works with the use of the wireless neck unit (below). It ensures a more precise hearing aid fitting. The easy-to-understand module allows you to understand clinical recommendations and to take an active part in the process.
If it looks like you are missing parts of speech, adjustments can be made to the hearing instrument to enhance speech. This test is run with every new hearing aid fitting and then at follow-up appointments. Therefore, we can ensure that your hearing device is always working like it did on the day of your fitting. If there has been a decline in performance, the hearing device can be sent in for a repair. This helps us to catch minor problems with the hearing instrument.
AURICAL Visible Speech® Neck UnitDo you wish your significant others could experience hearing through your ears?
The Hearing Loss Simulator makes the AURICAL Visible Speech® a strong tool for counseling patients and relatives on the effect of the hearing loss. With this same piece of equipment, we can simulate your hearing loss for your friends and/or family. Then, they will have a deeper understanding of what you struggle with on a daily basis. Hopefully, they will be a bit more understanding the next time you say, “What?”.
(Photos courtesy GN Otometrics)